Server to Server (S2S) Postback Integration (English)
This guide explains how to set up server to server (S2S) postback integration with Appier. If your are a Mobile Measurement Partner (MMP) or an advertiser that is capable of performing event attribution, then this document is relevant for you.
The two main goals in S2S integration are as follows:
- Design impression and click trackers that utilize Appier macros to deliver data to your system.
- Design a postback URL meant for Appier. Postbacks provide event information pertaining to attribution and the contextual properties of the relevant app and user behavior.
Macros which Appier supports
Please reference the table below. These macros are the values that Appier can supply to you via the impression and click trackers.
Name (* denotes required value) | Description | Macro Value (for your Click Tracker) |
Click ID* | Appier click ID Note: This value can be up to 400 bytes. Please make sure your system can accommodate this. | ${short_id} |
Apple IDFA | Apple iOS IDFA Note: This value is not always sent, as it depends on the publisher/RTB exchange used. If it is a hard requirement every tracking link requires IDFA for a particular offer, please let us know | ${idfa_upper} |
Google Advertising ID | Android Google AID Note: Appier uses same macro for IDFA and Google AID. The correct value is replaced accordingly. Note: This value is not always sent, as it depends on the publisher/RTB exchange used. If it is a hard requirement every tracking link requires IDFA for a particular offer, please let us know. | ${idfa_lower} |
Publisher ID | Encrypted value of the publisher that served Ad | ${partner_id} |
Channel ID | Encrypted value of the app/site/channel of the publisher that served the ad Note: this value may or may not be passed depending on publisher. | ${channel_id} |
Note: partner and channel id will be given in the format as ${partner_id}_${channel_id}
, please make sure your system can support this format.
Tracking link Example${short_id}&ios_idfa=${idfa_upper}&source=${partner_id}_${channel_id}
Postback URL
Name (* denotes required value) | Description | Postback Parameter |
Click ID* | Appier click ID | asi |
Apple IDFA | Apple iOS IDFA Note: In postback sent to Appier, it is okay to have multiple idfa, since same parameter is used for GAID and IDFA. Please see postback example below | idfa |
Google Advertising ID | Android Google AID Note: In postback sent to Appier, it is okay to have multiple idfa, since same parameter is used for GAID and IDFA. Please see postback example below. | idfa |
IP | Device IP Note: Please make sure it is the device IP, NOT the Tracking service or other IP. | ip |
Carrier | User carrier | carrier |
Revenue | Purchase revenue | x_rv |
Currency | Purchase currency | appier_cu |
OS | Device OS e.g. Android or iOS | os |
iOS App ID | iOS app ID | ios_app_id |
Android Package Name | Android app package name | android_package_name |
Action ID* | Event id Note: a. If your system could support postbacking multiple event, please provide a dynamic macro to Appier in order to let us determine each event. e.g. {event_id} e.g. Open event: “open”, Purchase event: “purchase” a. If can’t, please hardcoded it as action_id=Major | action_id |
Postback URL Example
Note: Please fill in the correct macro you system uses corresponding to the definition above.{click_id}&idfa={ios_idfa}&action_id={event_id}&carrier={carrier}&os={platform}&x_rv={revenue}&appier_cu={currency}&ios_app_id={app_id}
Once you have a postback URL designed that fits your purposes and capabilities, please provide this URL to your Appier contact window.
Note on providing non-attributed postbacks
In order to provide the best optimization possible for your campaign, we encourage clients to send non-attributed events to Appier. This provides Appier with user behavioral data, and it allows Appier AI to analyze, identify, and target users that have similar behaviors and interests.
In order to send non-attributed data, please send the same postback URL to Appier, except do not include any click-level data (since the event is not attributed to Appier, there is no applicable value for the click ID). Following the postback URL example above, if a purchase event occurs that is not attributed to Appier, please send:{ios_idfa}&action_id={event_id}&carrier={carrier}&os={platform}&x_rv={revenue}&appier_cu={currency}&ios_app_id={app_id}
For integration questions, please reach out to the Technical Solutions team at:
Updated over 1 year ago