Airbridge - Special Features
Audience Data Integration
Connect Appier on Airbridge
- "Audience" > "Ad Account" > "+ Add ad account".
- Select Appier.
- Please inform us when you want to connect to Appier on Airbridge, we'll provide an API key to you.
- After getting the API, please insert the API key into the "API Key" session.
- Please continue to proceed with setting the audience status by following the guidelines outlined in the Airbridge Help Center.
Cost Data Integration
Connect Appier on Airbridge
- "Integrations" > "Ad Channel Integration" > "Cost Integration".
- Enable "Appier Cost Integration" toggle.
- Select "+ Add an Ad Account"
- Please inform us when you want to connect to Appier on Airbridge, we'll provide an API key to you.
- After getting the API, please insert the API key into the "API Key" session.
Updated 23 days ago